Refer your patient to our expert team of alternative medicine doctors

Our dedicated team of experienced and compassionate General Practitioners (GPs) has provided holistic healthcare to more than 150,000 Australians.

Refer your patient through the options below or by completing our patient referral form.

Exceptional patient care

Our team of Ahpra-registered doctors and nurses are all highly trained and committed hollistic healthcare clinicians.

Seamless telehealth experience

Patients can access consultation, treatment planning, medicine delivery and follow-up care from the comfort of their own home.

Optimised technology

Our unique Patient Management System ensures patients are matched with the right doctor and provides practitioners with the necessary tools for optimal patient outcomes.

A person looking out the window as the sunsets

How to refer your patient

You can refer your patients to us by:

· By completing the patient referral form below:

Refer your patient

Thanks for choosing Alternaleaf for your patient. Refer your patient below by providing a few quick details.

Treating doctor's details

Note: All fields are mandatory unless otherwise specified

Your patient's details

By submitting this form, I confirm that my patient has a medical condition that has caused them distress for over 3 months that has not positively responded to other methods of treatment. They have never shared a history of schizophrenia, bipolar type 1 and 2 disorder or experienced psychosis, and are not currently pregnant.
Thank you!

Your referral has been submitted.

Scroll down to learn more about what your patient can expect next.
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What happens when you submit your referral?



An Alternaleaf nurse will contact your patient within 24 hours for a 20-minute telehealth consultation. They'll discuss symptoms and medical history to assess suitability for alternative treatments. Patients will also have the opportunity to voice any questions or concerns.

a close up of a person holding a cell phonea close up of a person holding a cell phone


Your patient will then schedule a telehealth appointment with an Alternaleaf doctor. The doctor will create a treatment plan and prescribe medication tailored to their condition and requirements.

a woman sitting on a couch looking at a laptopa woman sitting on a couch looking at a laptop

Follow-up care

Your patient's Alternaleaf doctor will schedule a follow-up appointment around 8 weeks later to review treatment progress and address concerns. Further follow-ups can be arranged through our patient portal. You will continue to receive progress reports throughout their time as an Alternaleaf patient.

a man in a doctor's coat smiles while holding a tableta man in a doctor's coat smiles while holding a clipboard